Heyer Turnheer #116
_Corona Protokoll Chiffre 2020;

Release 13.4.21
Heftvernissage und Video zur Wandarbeit Corona Protokoll Chiffre vom Herbst 2020 im Museum1 in Adligenswil.

"While passing through Switzerland, the Corona Lockdown in April put me on the spot, mainly with friends in the Italian-speaking part of Switzerland and occasionally in Lucerne. The Corona ciphers were created during these weeks of isolation and this mode of being thrown back on oneself, which we all experienced ourselves. They record in a cipher-like abbreviated form the timeless sequence of days of the week, the names of the places where he stayed or the friends who hosted him, as well as the activities and events of the day."  

Das Video zeigt ein Gespräch zwischen Heyer Turnheer und der Künstlerin und Publizistin Kathrin Wolkowicz. 

--> https://heyer.thurnheer.com --> https://www.kathrinwolkowicz.net

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